quantization-based embedding
mode-based quantization
quantization-based emebdding
vector quantization based on RE8
embedding-based implementation
chain-based and constant-based two-step method
Approach to accounting standard setting Financial fraud Rule-based Principle-based
Combing rule-based and statistics-based approaches
combining rule-based and statistics-based approach
cooling-based metering and charging device based o
ground-based and space-based observation
large-tow polyacrylonitril-based (PAN-based) preoxidized fiber
model identification based on the relay-based feedback
neural network based (NN-based) predictive control
neural network based(NN-based) predictive control
Polyacrylonitril-based(PAN-based)preoxidized fiber
Research on AGV Based on Vision-based Navigation
Absolute quantification